The Proper Way to Eat Italian Food
How is the “proper way” to eat Italian food defined? This article provides a guide to the proper way to eat pasta and other Italian foods. Emily Post’s famous twirling technique for spaghetti is a classic example. In addition, you should always rest the tips of your fork or spoon against your plate. When serving pasta, you should also serve bread to your diners as an added starch. If you order seafood, you should sprinkle cheese on top, but use the best cheese possible.
Bread is a “little shoe”
In Italian cuisine, bread is a very important part of the meal. It serves many purposes. Not only does it mop up sauce, it can also be used to scoop up yummy bits of the meal. It can even serve as a “little shoe” for mopping up the sauce. However, it must be handled properly. Here are some tips for doing it correctly:

Using a spoon
Using a spoon to eat Italian cuisine is not an unheard of tradition. My father and grandfather both ate pasta with spoons. In fact, the majority of Italians don’t care about the spoon, as long as they’re eating a tasty meal. In Italy, spoons are used to taste a variety of dishes, including seafood and pasta. However, if you’re eating pasta in a restaurant, you’ll be using a plate, not a spoon.
Using a fork
When you’re dining at an authentic Italian restaurant, the most important thing to remember when using a fork is not to slurp the pasta. This is considered an amateur move, and can create an uncomfortable dining experience. Instead, try to master the art of properly wrapping the pasta around the fork before eating it. You can avoid this embarrassing situation by going to an authentic Italian restaurant and learning the proper technique.
Using a knife
Using a knife to eat Italian dishes requires a certain style and technique. It should remain sharp, be comfortable to hold, and be easy to use. It should also fit in with the overall look and feel of your meal. A basic kitchen knife is fine, but you can always substitute a utility knife if you don’t have one. Using a knife for Italian dishes is just as important as using a fork.
Using a plate
In Italian cuisine, it is considered a taboo to touch your food with your hands. If you’re ordering a panino at a restaurant, the first course should be served in a paper napkin. The second course should be served on a clean dinner plate, and the main dish is served on a separate ceramic bowl. Generally, Italian households set a glass for wine and water. After the savory meal, new glassware may be set out.